Coyote Control of Houston

There’s nothing worse than checking your field and finding your livestock bloodied and traumatized, or having a beloved pet disappear without warning, never to be heard from again. If you hear the howls, barks, and whines at night, those are the sounds of the pack on the hunt! Don’t let coyotes make your property a more dangerous place. Call AAAC Wildlife Removal today.

Coyotes in Houston

Generally smaller than other predators, Coyotes are known for their tenacity. They can eat just about anything and aren’t selective in the least! That means that small animals like chickens or rabbits are easy prey, as well as larger livestock such as sheep or goats.

Though generally very timid, habitat destruction has caused these wild animals to become more active in urban areas, causing problems with humans. A coyote is normally afraid of people but constant exposure to people has made them more and more comfortable. They will occasionally attack domestic pets and livestock, as well as people who venture too close to their territory or den site.

If you hear the howls, barks, and whines at night, those are the sounds of the pack on the hunt! Don’t let wild animals make your neighborhood a more dangerous place. Call us today!

Coyote Control Houston

Coyotes can be a serious threat to people, pets, and livestock. In Houston, Texas, they are a fairly common nuisance problem. They are often spotted roaming around neighborhoods and can even be found in the middle of cities like Houston.

The best way to control these wild canines is by trapping and removing them from the area. Homeowners should never try to remove a coyote on their own, as they can be dangerous animals when cornered or threatened. A professional wild animal removal company will have all of the necessary tools and expertise needed for the safe, humane removal of coyotes.

Dangers and Damages Caused by Coyotes

Coyotes can cause a lot of damage to poultry and livestock as well as crops like watermelons and corn. They are often found around residential areas as well, coming off of the surrounding woods or Texas parks to scavenge on garbage cans and pet food left outside by homeowners.

Diseases like rabies, distemper, tularemia, mange, and hepatitis are all possible with contact or exposure. They are also known to carry parasites like ticks and mites that can be harmful to both people and domestic animals. While coyotes aren’t normally aggressive towards people, if they feel threatened or cornered then they will attack either by biting or scratching with their sharp claws.

Coyotes and your Pets and Livestock

Coyotes are opportunistic hunters; if hungry enough, these predators will go after livestock and pets. They usually hunt in the night and they rely on their keen sense of smell to detect food.

Attacks on livestock are usually characterized by puncture wounds in the base of the skull on the back of the neck where the coyote’s canine teeth are best suited to deliver a lethal bite. Often, the coyote will drag its food into a secluded area before feeding. You’ll often find signs of struggle like trampled plants and blood.

Coyotes are a threat to your pets as well, but they’re more likely to go after small animals like cats and dogs if they are hungry enough. If one goes after one of your beloved pets it’s usually when you let them outside without supervision.

Coyotes in the Neighborhood

Coyotes are known to prowl around neighborhoods in search of food, and they’re especially common in suburban areas. As their natural habitats are being destroyed, they have been forced to move into residential areas.

These critters are a very adaptable species, and they’re known to adjust their behaviors depending on the environment around them. These animals love to raise their pups in dens under elevated structures and they will often find their way into basements, and crawl spaces. You will also see this wild animal inside sheds and garages.

Coyote Control and Prevention

There are ways to keep coyotes away from your property, and it all starts with the basics. The best way to protect your pets and your livestock is by taking preventative measures. A multi-pronged approach or combination of several solutions is the best way to successfully keep these predators out of your yard.

Here are some coyote control and prevention tips:


Traditional fences are usually not enough for keeping coyotes out, and they’re known to climb over and dig under fences. Good barrier fences with wire overhangs and buried apron fences have been known to keep coyotes away, and they should be at least six feet tall.

Attractant Modification

Trash cans are a big draw for hungry predators. Keep all trash covered indoors until the morning of pickup, or get in touch with your local government about pick-up options that don’t leave food out for wild animals.

Coyotes are also attracted to areas with freshwater sources like ponds and streams, so you’ll want to make sure that any standing or running water on your property has been properly secured. Coyotes also love pet food; feed pets indoors and remove the food bowls once they’re done eating,

Frightening Devices

High-pitched sound devices like air horns are known to scare off coyotes, but they usually aren’t powerful enough on their own. Motion-activated sprinklers can also be used and are usually fairly effective when paired with other deterrents.

Coyote Repellents

There are several chemical and natural repellent options available for keeping coyotes away from certain areas or items you want to protect, but they should only be used as a last resort when other methods fail. Natural repellents like wolf urine, chili pepper, white vinegar, and garlic spray can all be used to keep coyotes out of certain areas.

Trapping and Removal

The most effective way to remove coyotes is by trapping and removing them. Several states require a license for trapping, so check with your local government before you decide on this method of removal.

A big live cage trap or paw hold trap would usually be necessary to catch a coyote. The trap should be placed in areas where the target animal has been seen or near places where they have dug holes.

Hiring a Professional Company

Hiring a professional wildlife company is usually the most effective solution. Companies like AAAC Wildlife Removal of Houston are licensed and insured, so you can rest easy knowing that the coyotes will be handled effectively and humanely.

Professional Trapping and Removal Services

Coyotes can be very dangerous so you should never attempt to trap or remove a coyote on your own. The handling of these creatures should be left to experienced professionals.

Our technicians know coyotes extremely well and they’re trained to provide humane capture of coyotes, which means that there’s no danger for your family or pets. Our specialists also have the training necessary to effectively trap and remove coyotes without having to use any harmful chemicals or poisons.

Our control and removal methods are humane, and they are in complete compliance with all state, local, federal laws. We also use the safest methods to ensure the safety of people and their animal companions. Our top priority is keeping our customers safe, so we’ll do whatever it takes to remove a coyote from your property quickly and effectively.

Clean Up and Deodorization

Coyotes are known to produce noxious smells, and they can make your property an unsanitary place to live. If you’ve had a coyote problem, it’s important to clean up and deodorize your property to ensure that other coyotes won’t get attracted to the area.

Coyote urine has a very strong smell that can permeate into concrete, grass, and other porous surfaces where it’s hard to remove or clean up. It also has pheromones that attract other coyotes, so if there are any left behind, you may end up with a bigger problem.

Cleaning and deodorizing the area is important to remove any trace of these pheromones that could attract more coyotes in your neighborhood. Our technicians can clean up after successful removal, and we will deodorize the area to ensure that no trace of the coyote’s smell remains. At AAAC Wildlife Removal, we don’t simply remove coyotes, we also clean and deodorize your property to give you a nice fresh start.

Wildlife Damage Repairs

All our technicians are qualified to make the necessary repairs to the damage done by coyotes or other wildlife. If you’ve had your home or building damaged by wild animals, don’t hesitate to contact us immediately. Our technicians can make the necessary repairs and clean up the area so it’ll be safe and sanitary for you and your family.

Call us for Wildlife Damage Repairs!

Dead Animal Removal

We also provide carcass removal from homes or businesses. Animal carcass removal is a nasty and smelly process that should only be left to professionals like us. If you’ve had a coyote or other animal die inside your property, it’s important to call in the right company for cleanup and removal of any odor caused by decomposition.

We can provide carcass disposal services quickly so there won’t be any bad odors on your property. If you need Dead Animal Removal, call us today!

Full-Service Wildlife Removal

Our mission is to provide humane wildlife removal and critter control services that are safe for our customers, their domestic animals, and the animals were called in to remove. We remove Texas bats, roof rats, nuisance birds, rodents, snakes, squirrels, as well as other pests of Texas wildlife.

From bats in the attic to raccoons on your roof, we are fully equipped and trained to handle any wild animal infestation. Our friendly staff is available 24 hours a day for all of your wildlife removal needs!

We provide our services in Sugar land, Brazoria County, Fort Bend County, Houston, Cypress Creek, and the surrounding areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does animal control handle coyotes?

In Texas, animal control agencies are only responsible for domestic animals. If you have a problem with coyotes or other non-domesticated animals, then it’s best to call an experienced wildlife removal company.

What to do if coyotes are in your backyard?

Don’t approach a coyote. Rabies is a real concern with these animals, and they can also carry other harmful diseases. Keep your animal companions and children inside until you can contact us for help.

Can I kill coyotes on my property in Texas?

Coyotes are non-game animals in Texas, so you can use any legal means to handle them. However, killing them isn’t very wise. These wild animals control the rodent population, so killing them will only result in more rats and mice. There are more humane ways to get rid of them without having to resort to killing.

Call us if you need help with Coyote control!

Brian & Josie Moss

We are passionate about helping our friends, neighbors, and customers manage their wildlife issues, and keep their homes safe and secure. If you’re struggling with an uninvited guest in your house or yard, give us a call!

  • Licensed by Tx Dept Of Agriculture
  • Certified Mole Removal/Specialist
  • Bat Management
  • Wildlife Professional Cert
  • Marksman SM Bore - 25 & 50 YDS
  • Werner Climbing Pro
  • Home Repair Specialist
  • AAAC Certified Wildlife Professional

We proudly serve the Greater Houston Metro area

Counties: Harris, Fort Bend, Montgomery, Walker

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It only took one try and the gopher was removed. They were professional, timely and great at communi...
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The gentleman that came to the house was prompt, professional and extremely thorough. I would highly...
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Great company! Great service! Thankful they got here so quick. Would highly recommend! ...
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Incredible professionals who are experts in trapping and removing wildlife. We have been in the “...
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© AAAC Wildlife Removal 2024
8375 Hills Parkway, Montgomery, Texas 77316